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The Silent Thief – Is Stealing Your Future

    Ann Mahony

    You worked a lifetime to save it; don’t lose it overnight. Forgery is the easiest, fastest way for criminals to obtain millions quickly and hassle free. One in three of us will be a victim of fraud in our lifetime. There’s no way to stay ahead of crime, but you may be able to avoid its traps. Ann explains the various types of forgeries and how to protect yourself. Whether your concern is your Will and Estate Planning, Medical & Insurance Records, Real Estate, Employment Law, Elder Abuse, Landlord/Tenant issues, or you just want to protect your own personal assets this information is for you.

    Ann Mahony, CDE, known as the Forgery Sleuth, will be our guest speaker at the Executives Association of San Francisco on May 9. Ann is a board certified in Document Examination and has been court qualified since 1982, testifying in Federal and Superior Court on forgery and fraud. Her work includes, but is not limited to wills, deeds, contracts, medical records, calendar, journal and notary entries, anonymous letters, hate mail, graffiti and elder fraud. She has provided training for the State Bar of California, State Bar of Illinois, California Association of Police Training, Northern California Fraud Investigators, American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants, Safeway Stores, Pacific Bell, and others. Clients include Bank of America, Federal Express, Coldwell Banker, Chicago Title, State Farm, Kaiser Permanente and others

    If you are not a member and would like to attend our luncheon event, contact our Executive Director, Charee Lord: 

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